Describe your family, your life experiences, your interests, and your dreams (no more than 250 words)

(no more than 250 words)

(no more than 250 words)

The clearer your goal, the better it is for us to help you reach it. Therefore, take your time and examine what you truly want and the underlying reasons behind your ambitions. Craft meaningful goals that align with your values, strengths, and unique circumstances. To do this well, ask yourself the following questions: Which specific goals do I want to achieve in the short, medium to long term? What necessary steps do I need to take to reach my goal(s)?.

(no more than 250 words)

This program is suitable for people who want to start and grow businesses, and/or existing entrepreneurs. Why do you want to embark on this journey? If you are an existing entrepreneur, what motivated you to start your business? (Not more than 500 words).

The training program requires at least 6 months of dedication, and approximately 10-30 hours per week of focused attention on what you seek to create. This includes self-work, class time and out-of-class projects. Explain how you intend to organize yourself for the training, mentorship, and coaching. (Not more than 250 words).

(no more than 250 words)

Provide names, titles, and contact information (telephone and e-mail) for two people who know you well and can attest to your character, accomplishments, and motivation to be an entrepreneur. (no more than 250 words)

resources and experiences shared through the Nile Valley Multiversity coaching, mentoring and internship schemes are calculated to awaken, empower, and enliven the higher and finer faculties of participants to become a better and higher version of themselves. We aim to create a community of creators that employs creative imagination and lateral thinking in all matters, and always. Each student and teacher are on their unique journey of self-unfoldment. The education system of the Nile Valley Multiversity is one of personal effort, self-directed learning with minimal guidance and light touch from instructors, mainly as a way of sharing experiences and encouraging learners. Failure is not part of the lexicon; however, ultimate success is a function of individual effort. I fully understand that I am stepping into my personal power, intuition, and endowments. I have infinite capacity to create, love and share. I tap into the unlimited supply of the universe and use my riches to help my family, my clan, my race, and my country, and to give something of value to the world. I owe it to myself to take these lessons seriously to the best of my ability and powers. I am committed to succeed in all that I do so that I can help enlarge the ethos of self-development, self-mastery, and self-realisation. I will use the knowledge gained to help those in need, liberate those in bondage, and help launch a multiverse filled with love, joy, abundance, and opulence. I understand that this is a life transforming decision, and I trust the inner guidance that brings me in touch with the outer material and experiences. So, mote it be!