The Institute for Indigenous Intelligence (3i's) is a network of scholars educated in both the modern and ancient ways, and fired by the spontaneity and zest for life. They are here to reflect and advance the forgotten knowledge and wisdom of the indigenous societies of all worlds. The institute brings together teachers and students, mystics and gnostics, seers and dreamers to create and co-create scholarly and practical works that reveal the beauty, power and majesty of the inner world in the outer dimensions.
Indigenous societies laid the foundations for our modern economic, social and political systems. The indigenous knowledge has been lost to the modern generation due to the haze of race amnesia. As the world awakens from this slumber and stupor, a platform that offers new and sharper perspectives over and above 26 letter alphabet language is required. This institute and its journal answers the call and opens new doorways for scholarly exploration of indigenous systems and technologies.
The 3i's organises conferences, workshops, masterclasses and seminars, among other events to connect and share in the knowledge of indigenous societies. The network fosters higher learning, collaboration and cooperation in all fields of human endeavour.
The 3i's is a place for dreamers and creators. The 3i's refer to imagination, inspiration and intuition. The 3i's stand for ingenuity, insight and individuality. The 3i's means innerstanding, innateness and innerness.
This is a platform for people who want to rock the status quo of staleness and stagnation. The willingness to learn, imbibe and integrate the talents and forces required to make serious moves on the chessboard of life is essential attribute of members of this network. The innerstanding that life is a mechanism of experience, and the willingness to embrace the different shapes and forms of the earth expression is a virtue that 3i's know and possess. Openness to the eternal laws of supply and full manifestation of this through sharing is a key attribute of 3i's. Living in the present, and knowing the systems of power exchange in this world and other worlds is a veritable tool.
The work of 3i's is to clear the debris by moving and shaking the remaining unworkable paradigms through rigorous training in research, design and objective analysis. The network encourages debate, excellence in private and public enterprises, and full participation in all the manifestations of life.
Born in Africa, the 3i's brings home the knowledge of all the races and tribes, all creature beings, and all the systems and paradigms into one centre for the full expression and enjoyment of all.
The coming into being of the 3i's is an answer to the clarion call for a return to the simple, sacred and uncomplicated ways of life that is locked in the very DNA of all species, and the simultaneous expression and transmutation of these ways of being to their highest possible expression in union communion with Great Mystery. The network is here to embolden the positive energies flowing through the planet with the return of the White Buffalo and the dawn of the new era in Earth Mother's realms.
From science to metasceince, 3i's provides the platforms and networks for connecting creative minds on the higher planes of existence to foster the graduation of all souls that are stuck in the galactic ascension machine.
The 3i's is an affiliate network of the Nile Valley Multiversity. It is founded on the tenets of high level intellectual and academic culture, rigorous analysis and synthesis, and conscious application of sacred discipline at all times.
The vehicle for expounding and extending the ideas and knowledge of the indigenous people is the Journal of Indigenous and Shamanic Studies.